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A Place in Heaven (2013)


"A Place in Heaven" is a 2013 Drama movie directed by Yossi Madmoni and starring by Alon Aboutboul, Sasha Agronov. A young officer returns to his base after a daring mission. The cook's assistant, a religious Holocaust survivor, is envious of him. He believes that there is a place in heaven reserved for the brave officer who endangers his life for the sake of his Jewish brethren. The officer, in the spirit of the Zionist ethos, is secular and a non-believer. At the moment, he is so hungry that, for a plate of shaksuka, he is prepared to sign a contract transferring his secured place in heaven to the cook. Some forty years later, the present time of the movie, the tables have turned - the officer, now a retired general, is on his death bed in the hospital. His son who, to his father's horror, has found religion, is in a race against time. Before his father dies, he has to find that cook's assistant who, forty years earlier, bought his place in heaven. If and when he finds him, the son has to nullify the contract. If he doesn't, his father will go to hell.

Rating : by 3945 users

Released : Sep 27, 2013

Runtime : 117 min.

Genre : Drama

Stars : Alon Aboutboul, Sasha Agronov, Michael Aloni, Gabi Amrani

Director : Yossi Madmoni

Quality :  

Comments :

Taylor Mackenzie
Amazing! I love this site
Aston Ayers
Only Signup is easy and free, finally I can watch this movie A Place in Heaven with good quality. Thank you!
Ashley Ann
Been waiting to see this movie for months. and finally came out too
Cheryl Lynn
This movie A Place in Heaven is very nice, with HD quality
Erin Cochran Cole
Great selection and quality is better than TV Cable, no kidding.
Kyle Magner
yes, i am also through this to watch movies
Eric Mn
Yes this really works! Just got my free account
Terry Barnes
One of the best movies I've seen this year!
Pastor Shahuano
Excited, Happy Watching guys !!!
Laura Velez Garcia
Thanks, I'm so glad to be watching this movie
Wouter van der Giessen
Laura Velez Garcia yes same me too
Janet McCann
Sign up was really easy. Less than 1 minute I was hooked up